Perplexed and Smitten (47)

She only dared to step foot inside after testing the booby trap several times and ensuring that there were no longer any arrows.

The space inside was brightly lit, and she could see everything clearly.

Never before in the three decades of her life had she ever seen such extravagance and lavishness.

A jade coffin near her caught her attention, and she began walking toward it.

The coffin had an exquisite and ingenious design. The top of the coffin was made of a layer of crystal that allowed the contents of the coffin to be seen from above.

Inside the coffin lay a female corpse that was clothed in a pink, collared floral dress. Her slender fingers were rested atop her abdomen, and there was a handkerchief covering her face. An Xiaoning could not make out her features just yet.