Perplexed and Smitten (64)

The air reeked of a post-coital ambiance. Jin Qingyan cleaned up the mess before carrying her onto the couch.

He pulled out some tissues and used them to wipe her sweaty hair and forehead.

"Do you want some water?"


"You must be parched and your throat must be burning after moaning for an entire hour. I really enjoy hearing your moans. They're like my ecstasy," he said, handing her a glass of water.

She glared at him and said, "Cut it out…"

"Besides, whenever you contract, I always wonder what's going to happen if I can't pull out."

"Jin Qingyan!"

"I'm here, do you have any orders for me, milady?"

"Shut your trap."


An Xiaoning chuckled in amusement and adjusted her clothing before lying down on the couch. "I'm not going anywhere today. I just want to spend time with you properly, even if we don't talk at all. So just go ahead with what you're busy with. Don't mind me."