Perplexed and Smitten (68)

She froze in shock and tensed up to the point that she could not move an inch.

"Let go of me, let go of me!"


She did not get any response and could only feel the man pressing his body against hers and groping her continuously.

Fang Erlan was frightened out of her senses and continuously screamed for help until she finally woke up.

She stared at her apartment, perplexed and unable to recover from the shock. She took a look at the clock on the wall and discovered that she had taken a nap for only half an hour.

Drenched in sweat, she discovered that the air conditioner was switched off. She initially thought that Xiao Yue had switched it off while on her way out. To her astonishment, there was a blackout!

Fang Erlan almost stopped breathing.

Why did I dream of a man…