Perplexed and Smitten (78)

An Xiaoning felt her temples aching. She got down from Lin Mingxi's bed and, upon seeing this, Lin Mingxi asked, "You're going back already?"

"Yeah. Take good care of yourself and the baby. I'll come and visit you another day."

"Alright, drive safely."

An Xiaoning nodded before leaving Lin Mingxi's bedroom.

As she was in her car on the way back to Wei Ni Estate, she was pondering whether Wen Lele was looking for her because of the ancient graveyard in V Nation or because of He Yi. Other than these reasons, there was no other matter that came to her mind.

After she entered her estate, she spotted from a distance away a figure standing by her front gate. Upon seeing this, An Xiaoning realized she really did not like Wen Lele at all.

When An Xiaoning's car pulled into her house, Wen Lele followed after it and entered as well.