Perplexed and Smitten (84)

Jing Shui covered his ears and hollered, "Are you trying to make me deaf? It's so loud!"

"I don't find it loud, maybe your ears are just weak," he said nonchalantly.

Jing Shui left in the end.

He was utterly disgusted by Xiao Chenyang.

However, the latter was not at all bothered and went on to do what he should.

Fang Erlan closed the door and entered. She then said to Xiao Chenyang, who was sitting on the couch, "Do you know what he said to me? He asked me why I had gotten a lunatic to become my bodyguard. He also said that you're seriously ill in the head."

Xiao Chenyang picked up the remote and switched off the television. He stood up and said, "From now on, refrain from letting those men who love ogling you and keeping their eyes fixed on you enter the house. I'll just feel like killing them."


"Miss… Miss, wake up…"