Perplexed and Smitten (93)

"There's a possibility. We all know how nosy Old Liu is."

"Those three people better hope I don't find them. Otherwise, I'm going to skin them alive!"

The man with the coarse voice laughed and asked, "Why are you so infuriated? What has gotten into you? Don't tell me, you've met your match?"

"They've got quite a bit of skill."

"They might have fled to another place long ago."


The drivers left, and the bunch of people began splitting up and going about their respective tasks once they were done eating.

An Xiaoning removed her earphones and handed them to No. 8 before leaving the house together with No. 5.

They decided to keep a distance away from the men, for fear that their cover would be blown. The few men then sat down by the river, seemingly waiting for something.

"What are they waiting for?"

"I don't know."

"A cruise perhaps? Look," said No. 5, who was pointing at a ship that was rather far away.