Perplexed and Smitten (96)

She picked up her mobile phone to take a look at the time and found that it was three past midnight.

Sleepy-eyed, she got out of bed and opened the door of the bedroom to see that the yellow lights were switched on in the corridor. She made her way down the stairs.

There was not a single soul in the living room. An Xiaoning poured herself a glass of water and took a few sips before walking toward the door. She asked Xiao Lu, who was on duty, "Where did your Young Sir go?"

"Young Sir said that he was going out to attend to something which he did not specify. Chief has followed him too. They've been gone for almost an hour."

An Xiaoning turned around and headed upstairs. She sent Jin Qingyan a text message to ask him about what was going on, to which he never replied.

Fan Shixin did not answer her calls either.

An Xiaoning was somehow perturbed and ill at ease. Could the nightmare I had be an omen?