Perplexed and Smitten (126)

An Xiaoning felt nothing but empathy for her. She hugged her gently and patted her on her back. "This Nicole spent a lot of money to abduct him. I doubt she's going to kill him immediately. If she's really after No. 8's life, she would have gotten her henchmen to kill him the moment they abducted him last night. She wouldn't have gone to such great lengths to take him overseas. We can hence deduce that No. 8 is safe for now."

Her words had managed to give Mo Li some reassurance.

"Xiaoning, how do you plan to save No. 8? Wouldn't it be harder to communicate with them since she's a royal?"

"It'd indeed be difficult to negotiate with her, but so what if she's royalty? Does her status give her the right to abduct others? I'll think of a way to intervene. Aren't you and No. 8 planning to get married? Have you registered your marriage yet?"

"Not yet, we've been planning to register it lately."