Perplexed and Smitten (130)


An Xiaoning immediately knocked her unconscious, after which she took out a thin rope from her bag and tied the woman up before also stuffing her mouth with a piece of cloth to prevent her from becoming a hindrance once she comes to.

An Xiaoning made her way to the third floor and took a glance at the doors. She decided to try and unlock every single one with the password. Lady Luck seemed to be smiling on her and she managed to unlock the first door that she tried.

She looked inside and discovered that it was indeed Nicole's room.

Thinking that she did not have too much time left, An Xiaoning closed the door and hurriedly searched the room for any surveillance cameras. As expected, she found one.

She snapped the camera and prepared to hide in the dressing room. At this very moment, the electricity was restored.

The sudden brightness made her eyes feel uncomfortable.

Her sense of vision was attacked.