Perplexed and Smitten (143)

He returned to the cage and opened the door before squatting down. Staring at Fang Erlan, who was still quivering in terror, he said in an alluring voice, "Come out."

Fang Erlan looked up at him with tears in her eyes that were as dark as ink. She then walked out of the cage slowly.

When she was about to reach him, he grabbed her arm straight away, causing her to stumble forward and fall into his arms. He took the chance to pick her up.

She did not struggle to get out of his embrace at all and was instead behaving as meekly as a lamb, perhaps because she had just gotten a great shock.

He carried her back inside the room.

She finally felt better after he placed her down onto the bed.

"Xiao Chenyang…"


"Did you kill those two people?"


"Will the police arrest you, then?"

"Are you worried about me?" he asked, feeling a sudden sense of joy.