Perplexed and Smitten (162)

At this moment, she felt like she was finally released and freed.

She no longer had to go through painstaking effort to hide the truth from Yan Ge or worry about how he would perceive her. She no longer had to be afraid of spilling the beans accidentally.

Because the truth was about to be revealed.

"That's right, he's not my cousin," Fang Erlan said while feeling a huge sense of relief.

"Is he your boyfriend, then? Is he… the reason you were unwilling to be my girlfriend? You could've just told me the truth back then. Is there really a need to hide? Don't tell me you're planning to keep me on the hook as your backup plan in case your relationship with him doesn't work out?"

"No, I'm not in a relationship with him, and neither do I treat you as my backup plan. I really… do fancy you."