Perplexed and Smitten (173)

After setting up the account, Fang Erlan handed his mobile phone back to him and said, "You may download stickers and emoticons in the chat window. Download whatever you like…"

She then shifted her gaze onto the woman entering the restaurant.

Seeing Fang Erlan, Yu Caiwei and her assistant walked toward her and sat down beside Xiao Chenyang. "What a coincidence."

"What a coincidence indeed. Ms. Yu, please sit elsewhere," said Fang Erlan who remained calm and composed.

"At the end of the day, we still belong to the same production unit and we'll have to star alongside each other in the same scenes rather frequently in the future. What's wrong with having a meal together? Don't be so petty. You don't own this table anyway," Yu Caiwei quipped, smiling.