I Want to Make You Stay (11)

Xihou Jiaping turned to face her and barked, "Scram!"

The lady boss retreated, not daring to utter another word.

Not long after, she returned again and said, "Master, the guest is here and she's waiting for you."

Xihou Jiaping came out of the room and said to her coldly, "Get them to clean up the room and make it tidy."


He headed downstairs and entered one of the rooms, in which sat a woman who had a long ponytail. He asked in a mellower tone, "Why did you come here all of a sudden? Didn't I tell you to avoid coming to this place?"

She looked at him and said, "I tried to contact you but you wouldn't answer me, Master. I was really worried so I had no choice but to come here to take a look."

"You said that he's going through a relapse now. Why didn't it seem like his second personality had taken over? He could even recognize me right away."

"Perhaps he had already returned to normal. Relapses occur periodically."