I Want to Make You Stay (18)

Fang Erlan then placed the steamed pea cake that she was holding inside her mouth. The sweet aroma of green peas satisfied all her cravings.

She would usually refrain from eating at night, for fear that she would end up gaining weight.

However, she actually polished several pieces of the cakes in one go.

Fortunately, they were rather small and she could finish all of them.

After having their fill, the three of them stood up and prepared to return to the hotel.

It was already past midnight.

As soon as they stepped foot outside, they heard Yu Caiwei yelling, "Sis, that's him!"

The three of them turned around and caught sight of the Yu sisters. There were a few bodyguards behind Yu Caiwei, as well as her manager.

"That's right, I'm talking about you. What are you looking at? You poured a bowl of noodles over my head at the restaurant."

There was no one else around.