I Want to Make You Stay (40)

Yu Yiwei was quick to react, and she asked, "Does Mr. Jin already know that you're aware of his condition?"

"Yes, we've already come clean with each other."

"Alright. When would you like to set off?"

"Forty minutes from now. We'll have to stay over at B City tonight."

"Alright, I'll go prepare a set of clothes now."

"Alright, go ahead," An Xiaoning said with a smile that vanished the instant Yu Yiwei turned around. She then placed the glass on the table and leaned on the chair.

Once Yu Yiwei vanished out of sight, An Xiaoning said, "Judging from her expression, she seems to have already guessed that something had happened to Xihou Jiaping. She just doesn't dare to verify it yet."

"She's probably not going to admit it for the sake of her own safety. After all, the only person who can prove that she's Yin Cun is now dead."

"I have a solution. Just leave this to me," said An Xiaoning.