I Want to Make You Stay (42)

"She's not going to escape, because she's well aware that there's no escape for her now that Xihou Jiaping is no longer around to shield and protect her."


The production unit began filming along a certain street in G City in the evening. Hence, there were many pedestrians and passersby who crowded around the set to watch the filming take place.

Amongst the crowd were many of Yan Ge's fans.

Some of those fans were locals while others had come all the way from different cities just to catch a glimpse of their idols.

Fang Erlan had already prepared herself for the scene. There were bodyguards around to stop the fans from disrupting the filming process, thus allowing it to proceed smoothly. However, things began to take a turn when filming was about to end.

When filming ended, the fans gathered together and began swarming toward their idol.

Even the bodyguards could not stop them.