I Want to Make You Stay (48)

Seemingly deep in thought, Jin Rongyan said, "Brother, shall we sleep in Daddy and Mommy's room tonight, then? Their bed is huge compared to ours. If we sleep in their bed, do you think they'd reprimand us when they get home?"

"They won't. Besides, they're not going to find out if we both keep mum. Let's take your suggestion and sleep in Daddy and Mommy's room tonight."

"Okay, yay."

The two of them enjoyed the rest of their dinner merrily, after which they headed upstairs to freshen up.

Right before they invaded the bedroom, they discovered a tricky problem.

The biometric lock of the bedroom had now become a PIN-encrypted one.

However, they had no idea what the PIN number was.

They used to only enter when the door was left ajar or together with their parents. There was no way for them to enter now.

Jin Rongyan suggested, "Let's ask Daddy, he'll definitely tell me."

Jin Yiheng waved and said, "That's impossible."