I Want to Make You Stay (55)

"When I went to his room on the ninth floor, Yu Caiwei's bodyguard who's staying in the same suite told me that he had left. I went inside the room and saw that his clothes were no longer inside," Xiao Yue explained.

Fang Erlan sat on the bed in shock. Is he never going to show up again?

That's great.

But why do I still feel so flustered?

She whipped out her mobile phone to give him a call, which went through initially. However, he switched off his mobile phone right after.

He clearly didn't want to answer her calls.

Fang Erlan stood up and ran out of the room. At the sight of her behavior, Xiao Yue frantically yelled, "Sis Erlan, where are you going?"

Fang Erlan sprinted all the way to the elevator landing. She stood outside the elevators and asked herself, Why am I running…

Once he's gone, there'll be no one around to compel me against my wishes.

That'd be wonderful.