I Want to Make You Stay (62)

"When he fully recovers. It won't be too late to tell you guys before I take him to our mentor's grave."

"Alright, I'll go inside to look for him now."

Xiao Chenyang gestured for her to leave and stood up straight before walking toward the swing slowly.

He placed both hands on the wooden swing and pushed it gently a few times. Nan Chuang used to love sitting on a similar swing in the yard of the Xiao family home.

Back in those blissful days, she would sit on the swing with a huge grin on her face and with her hands tightly wrapped around the metal chains while I pushed her from behind. Whenever the swing was propelled high up in the air, she would scream in shock and stare at me begrudgingly whenever the swing came down.

Her actions had never failed to put a smile on his face and lift his mood.

It felt as if everything had happened only yesterday.

Their happiness ended way too soon.