I Want to Make You Stay (65)

"Just where are we going? Give me a hint," Fang Erlan asked curiously.

"No, we'll be there soon. Just know that it's a good place."

Seeing how secretive he was being, Fang Erlan smiled and said, "Alright, when we get there later, I must take a good look at how beautiful the place is."

"You'll know when we're there."

"Hello, hello, you have a text message!"

Fang Erlan retracted her hand from his and opened her wallet to take out her mobile phone.

Her mobile screen lit up, and she saw that it was an unread message from Mrs. Fang.

Mr. and Mrs. Fang would only ever contact her via a phone call and never by text message.

Unless it was her brother…

She opened the text message to see that it was really from him.

"Sis, it's me, Yunxi. The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th of August, which is also my birthday. Will you be coming home?"