I Want To Make You Stay (68)

Pan Zhenghui hurriedly alighted and grabbed the can of petrol from her hands. "Xiaoning, where did you get this?"

"The petrol station. Fortunately, those mutants who were on fire did not go near the petrol kiosks. Otherwise, the consequences would have been dire. Hurry and fill the tank with petrol. Settle these people."

"Alright, alright." Pan Zhenghui glared at Team Leader Zhang and the rest who were still in the car and chastised, "What are all of you waiting for? Hurry and get out of the car to help Xiaoning."

They hurriedly got out of the car and helped An Xiaoning move the zombies to an empty land.

An Xiaoning took out her flamethrower to set the zombies on fire.

The two cars left one after another. Instead of returning to the police car, Pan Zhenghui took the passenger seat in the cargo truck that An Xiaoning was driving.