I Want to Make You Stay (76)

The other female crewmembers began shifting their gazes onto him as well.

"If you keep looking at me, I'm going to gouge your eyes out. You know I hate it when people keep staring at me," he warned Xiao Yue.

"Fine, fine, I'll stop staring at you," said Xiao Yue, who then cocked her head sideways. However, she could not help but turn back around to look at him before looking away again.

Fang Erlan snapped out of her character when Director Gao cued for them to stop.

"Look who's there," said Yu Caiwei, who discovered that Xiao Chenyang had shown up.

Fang Erlan looked in the direction that Yu Caiwei was staring at and caught sight of him.

She immediately scurried toward him while Yu Caiwei squinted with her arms folded.

Fang Erlan ran toward Xiao Chenyang and said while panting heavily, "You're here."

Xiao Yue was dumbfounded.