I Want to Make You Stay (79)

"Impossible. I've already decided to cut all ties with you," Shi Shaochuan said with a look of astonishment.

Bu Xianxian nodded and said, "In that case, forget it. I'm not going to compel you. I'll excuse myself now. Since I've given you a red packet for your wedding, I must enjoy the banquet."

Shi Shaochuan took out a thick wad of cash from his wallet and handed it to her. "Don't eat here, go to any other hotel for a meal."

Bu Xianxian grabbed it and said gleefully, "Alright, I'll listen to you."

Noticing that Shi Shaochuan was about to leave, Bu Xianxian hugged him and said, "Shaochuan, congratulations on getting married. I hope you'll be happy."

Shi Shaochuan pushed her away and said, "Got it. Hurry and go back."

Bu Xianxian watched him leave, and her lips curled into a smile after counting the cash in her hands.

When she made her way downstairs, she coincidentally bumped into Shi Bao'er, who was sitting upright by the table.