I Want to Make You Stay (101)

Although he did not actually mind since she was already his, knowing that there was someone thinking about his person, could he possibly feel happy about it?

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him there's no need for that."

Xiao Chenyang nodded in satisfaction. "Well done. This is your reward, enjoy it well."

"You hurry up, Xiao Yue won't take very long to buy the food."

"It'll still have to wait until I'm satisfied."

Inside the ward, their romantic act continued until Xiao Yue's voice sounded outside the door. "Doctor, your shift is over already?"

Fang Erlan quivered in shock for a moment and gave him a push. "Get off."

But he simply refused to.

He swiftly made a few jerking movements before finally getting down from her.

When Xiao Yue entered the ward carrying food in her hands, she sniffed a few times and remarked, "What smell is this in the room…?"