I Want to Make You Stay (111)

She cast the rope upward with all her might and managed to hook it onto the rod successfully. She began scaling the stone wall while supporting herself with the rope.

Wall-scaling was her forte. Thus, she did not feel afraid at all.

However, it would still require energy to climb up. Thus, she expended a great ton of energy while climbing to the top from the bottom.

An Xiaoning was panting heavily by the time she finally made it to the top.

She looked down to see that she was rather high above ground, and she would definitely sustain severe injuries if she were to fall off.

She gathered all her energy and leaped up. She finally landed on the thick metal rod. She pressed both hands against the stone bricks and got on her feet slowly.

She could finally see the coffin.

She instantly realized why it was glowing.

It was not made of wood at all.