I Want to Make You Stay (114)

"We met inside the tomb. He said he entered because he was curious. Luckily, he was here to show the way, which was why we were able to come out from it."

"Oh, I see."

Wearing a short-sleeved shirt, An Xiaoning took an umbrella and got down from the car as well. She had spotted the Mercedes-Benz parked at the same old spot, so that must mean that Henry was waiting for her in the car, right?

Dragging her tired body, she walked briskly to the car.

When she tried to pull open the car door, however, it was unexpectedly locked.

An Xiaoning knocked on the car window. "Unlock the door."

There was still no sign of movement.

She shone her torch on the front glass of the car and realized that there was actually no one inside.

Where had he gone?

The car was parked here, so there was no way he could have gone back. After all, the car keys were with him.