I Want to Make You Stay (116)

The orange lights in the room created a warm atmosphere inside. An Xiaoning sat right opposite him, the coffee table between them. She did not beat around the bush and immediately stated her reason for coming. "I got the police to check your information, and I could not find any name with a similar pronunciation to yours. Don't tell me you gave me a fake name?"

"Why would I give you a fake name? I still need your help; giving you a fake name is insincere behavior, but I am very sincere about this."

With her bag placed on her leg, An Xiaoning clutched onto it and stared straight into his eyes. "Then why couldn't they find your name? I also found out that this room is registered under the captain of B City's elite military commando unit, Liu Dasheng. But you aren't his subordinate. Do you understand all the questions I have in my head?"

"I can answer all your questions, but there's something that I need to ask you."

"What is it?"