I Want to Make You Stay (119)

Wen Lele was lying on the hospital bed with bandages all over her body, leaving only her eyes, nose, and lips exposed. Her scalp and face were severely burned as well.

Upon the sight of her plight, Bu Xianxian asked worriedly, "How is Sister Wen doing now?"

"She's alright," Shi Shaochuan answered.

"You must take good care of Sister Wen and give her the best treatment and medicine."

Shi Shaochuan shot Bu Xianxian a glance to warn her to leave immediately. However, Bu Xianxian pretended not to see it and continued, "Sister Wen, have you found out who the person who had set you on fire is?"

Wen Lele finally broke out of her deadpan expression and asked in a loud but hoarse voice, "Do you know who it is?"

Before Bu Xianxian could even answer, she was dragged out of the hospital ward by Shi Shaochuan, who had grabbed her by the arm.

"What on earth are you trying to do?" Shi Shaochuan asked, glaring at her menacingly.