I Want to Make You Stay (122)

"If that's the case, I could have just killed you guys when you found the staircase and made it to the exit. Why would I have let you leave? Besides, I didn't kill that man too, did I?"

Remaining calm and composed, An Xiaoning questioned, "Could you tell me how that archeologist died in there, then?"

"This is exactly what I wanted to tell you in private tonight, yet you just bombed my home because you were afraid that I would harm you! If I hadn't sensed that something was amiss and rushed out immediately, I probably would have died tonight."

An Xiaoning and Jin Qingyan looked at each other, feeling perplexed and uncertain if they should believe her words. After all, her statement seemed to have made some sense.

"How did that man in the tomb die?"

"Will you believe what I say? Don't you already take me for a murderer now?" the woman gibed indignantly.

"How can I deduce whether or not you're telling the truth if you don't speak up?"