I Want to Make You Stay (126)

Listening to her words with an open heart, Shi Bao'er teared up and said, "Auntie, I constantly feel that I'll become redundant once Daddy and Mommy each have a family of their own."

An Xiaoning could not help but smile upon hearing that Shi Bao'er had finally opened up and bared her heart and soul to her. She caressed Shi Bao'er's head and said, "That won't happen. Even if your daddy married another woman who treats you badly, you must understand that your mommy holds the rights to your custody now. You don't have to be bothered by your stepmother at all. On the bright side, you'll have two daddies and one mommy who'll dote on you, without a doubt. Besides, how are you so sure that your stepmother will ill-treat you? You haven't spent enough time with her yet to know her well enough. You were simply jumping to conclusions and letting your imagination run wild."

Shi Bao'er cocked her head sideways to look at An Xiaoning, feeling as if she had just been enlightened.