I Want to Make You Stay (145)

"Xiaoxi sleeps next to Yiheng every day, and she even said that she's going to marry him when she grows up. She also said that Yiheng promised to marry her when they're older. I find this matter to be very important. We must take it seriously."

An Xiaoning smiled and said, "I think you're just worried about ruining Xiaoxi's reputation. We shall betroth them to each other if they don't have any objections, then."

Jin Qingyan asked, "What happens if there are changes after the engagement? For example, if Xiaoxi and Yiheng fall in love with others in the future, or if one of them has a change of heart. What do we do when that happens…?"

Long Tianze looked at them and said, "I asked to betroth them precisely because I'm worried about that. I just want to create a safety net for the two of them. What happens to them in the future will depend on themselves. Besides, divorce is so common nowadays, isn't it? Such stuff are unpredictable."