I Want to Make You Stay (148)

Wen Yuechan looked up and stared at her mother in bewilderment.

"You children are still young. As long as you work hard now and make Jin Yiheng fall in love with you, he'll break off his engagement with that fatso. On top of that, don't be so oblivious and ignorant. Although his younger brother is adopted, he's still a member of the Jin family. Take note and try to get closer to him too. Should you end up failing to win Jin Yiheng's heart, there's still Jin Rongyan for you to fall back on."

Wen Yuechan nodded and said, "Mommy, I heard that Long Xiaoxi always runs to the boys' dormitory in the boot camp at night…"

"Look how hardworking and conscientious she is. No wonder she can get engaged to Jin Yiheng. Why can't you learn how to take the initiative more often?"

Wen Yuechan hung her head low and remained silent.