I Want to Make You Stay (154)

"Alright." Pan Zhenghui immediately did as she instructed.

Once she obtained the mobile phone, she immediately checked the call log, text message history, and saved voice recordings before heading to the interrogation room.

At the sight of her, the people who were playing dead immediately got a shock.

An Xiaoning sat down and grabbed the desk gently while Fan Shixin stood beside her.

"Tell me all your names."

The policemen had already gotten a pen and a piece of paper ready and were waiting to record their statements.

The men looked at each other in silence, seemingly not planning to speak.

She raised her brows and said sternly, "Are you refusing to speak up? You people kidnapped that poor family in Mo Sha. You even occupied their home and stole their assets. I'm giving you one minute to decide if you want to tell me who the mastermind is. If you're willing to speak up, I'll release the rest of you."