I Want to Make You Stay (166)

Mrs. Bu frantically said to Bu Xianxian through the door, "Xianxian, Chief Fan is here…"

Extremely alarmed, Bu Xianxian answered, "Okay, let them come in."

Mrs. Bu gestured at her husband, after which he immediately opened the door.

Fan Shixin glanced at them and asked, "Where's Young Sir?"

"There…" Mr. Bu answered, pointing at Bu Xianxian's door.

Fan Shixin immediately proceeded to knock on the door. After he did so twice, the door opened. He was greeted with the sight of Bu Xianxian staring at him, dressed in a short nightdress that ended at her hips. "Long time no see, Chief Fan."

As soon as she finished speaking, Fan Shixin pushed her away, causing her to almost lose her balance and fall to the ground. Supporting herself against the door, she hollered, "What are you doing!?!"

Fan Shixin ignored her. Just as he was about to walk toward the bed, Jin Qingyan woke up.