I Want to Make You Stay (172)

"We're going back again tonight?"

"Yes, I'll stay at your family mansion temporarily tonight. I must get closer to your family in order to find the answers I need in the quickest time possible." An Xiaoning added, "The most dangerous place is often the safest. Your family would have never expected that we would return."

"What if we get exposed? There are surveillance cameras everywhere in the yard."

"We won't be discovered easily if we're careful. I'm very experienced in being stealthy."

Seeing how composed she was, Donggong Lianzhi said, "There's still such a long way to go from now until tonight. What do you plan to do while waiting?"

"There's nothing inside the refrigerator. Let's go to the supermarket together. We still have to eat lunch after all."

"We can always order takeout."

"Do you actually still dare to eat takeout food at such a critical juncture? Aren't you afraid that you'll be poisoned?"