I Only Want You (4)

An Xiaoning agreed with a nod, "Seems like it. Hurry and explain."

"Wu Lianzhi used to be lovers with Long Tianze's wife in our previous lifetime. I'm talking about Yu Jiao."

An Xiaoning's eyes widened in shock and she asked, "You're not lying to me, are you?"

"What do I stand to gain from lying to you? I only knew about him because Lord Xihou mentioned that he was jealous of him on a few occasions. I found out later that he was not actually in love with you but was fond of your maid instead."


Having understood what he meant, Wu Lianzhi asked, "Who's Yu Jiao?"

Laughing wryly, An Xiaoning answered, "My maid in my previous lifetime."

"And in this lifetime?"

"In this lifetime, she has already gotten married and given birth to children. Her husband is Long Tianze, the owner of an advertising and media company in our city."