I Only Want You (13)


An Xiaoning turned around and walked away. Henry asked, "Where are you going?"

"Off to die."



An Xiaoning headed downstairs again to see that Wu Lianzhi was no longer there.

She sat on the couch and switched on the television to see that the ongoing program was a documentary about archeology.

Coincidentally, Wang Jinsheng was being interviewed during the documentary. An Xiaoning kept her eyes fixed onto the screen while remaining calm and composed. A few minutes later, she decided to call Pan Zhenghui.

"Bureau Chief, it's me."

"Hello… Xiaoning."

"Is Wang Jinsheng still the captain of the archeological team?"

"Yes. I was just about to contact you to talk about him. Ever since you told me that he was in close contact with tomb raiders, I've begun investigating him and the results are out now."

"You're really efficient, huh?" An Xiaoning remarked in surprise.