I Only Want You (33)

Shi Shaochuan said, "I'll leave if you let me take Bao'er's corpse away."

"Why should I let you do that? Qingyue holds the rights to her custody. You don't have the right to take Bao'er's corpse away," said An Xiaoning, who immediately instructed her bodyguards to chase Shi Shaochuan out of the house.

He was then driven away.

An Xiaoning was fuming with anger. All of a sudden, No. 5 got onto his knees in front of her and said apologetically, "Sis, it's all my fault. I'm willing to give my life up as a punishment."

She looked down at No. 5 and sighed before saying, "You may have made a mistake, but it doesn't warrant a death sentence. Get up on your feet first."

No. 5 stood up with tears in his reddened eyes and proceeded to follow her to the living room.

Still unconscious, Jin Qingyue was lying down on the couch with a needle and tube attached to the back of her hand.