I Only Want You (36)

An Xiaoning agreed, "Alright, leave with me, then. Tell me the names of your husband and son. You'll get to see them very soon."

Zhang Lili beamed with joy upon hearing An Xiaoning's words and left with her.

An Xiaoning began searching for the latest information about Zhang Lili's husband and son, only to discover that the situation was not ideal.

"Your husband has passed away five years ago and your son is in university now. He's in a boarding school."

"Passed away?"

"Yes, he has already passed on."

"Which university does my son go to?"

An Xiaoning answered, "A University in D City. We can only get to D City from here by plane. However, I've already told the other police officers to contact your son. I'm sure he'll rush here once he receives the news, so just wait a little while."

Despite feeling apprehensive, Zhang Lili had no choice but to believe her.

An Xiaoning was not that eager to find out everything tonight anyway.