I Only Want You (41)

"Erlan and I don't plan to stay here all year round. We just bought a mansion that we can stay in when we're back here next time."

An Xiaoning asked in bewilderment, "Where do you guys plan to live, then?"

"We're planning to always be on the road and travel around the world. Once we're done with traveling, we'll live on Mount Wanyan for half a year and stay here for the other half. How does that sound?"

Jin Qingyan gave him the side-eye and said, "Tsk, tsk, tsk, no wonder you're giving me the treasure map. Turns out it's because you're planning to live life on your own."

"Life is short, to begin with, but there's a long way for us to go. We've already gotten our future planned out," said Xiao Chenyang, who seemed to have already made such plans beforehand. He could no longer be bothered about anything else, and all he cared about was the woman he loved.

"When do you guys plan to get married?"