I Only Want You (45)

While drinking, he told him, "Beicheng, Mo Li's pregnant.

"It isn't my child.

"Do you think, if I had cherished her earlier, things wouldn't have ended up like this?

"I regret it so badly.

"Beicheng, there's no point in living anymore."


Gu Beicheng remarked as he watched him, "It's not like you to be putting yourself through such torment. In this world, not everybody gets to be with the one they love."

"Oh right… I forgot. You didn't get to be with your godsister either. But why can't I be one of those who can be with the person they love? It's all my fault… I'm a jerk…"

"Just treat your current wife well and live well with her. Isn't that good too?"

Ye Xiaotian looked at him. "Beicheng, you haven't experienced the feeling of getting something and then losing it. It's worse than never getting a shot with the person you love."