I Only Want You (50)

"No, I have to go to the police station tomorrow. I think your theory and analysis doesn't make sense at all. If it were really that simple, Xiao Chenyang would have deciphered it long ago."

"It probably didn't come to his mind. But you're right, it can't be that simple. I'm starting to think that my analysis is a little far-fetched too."

"Right, I told you you were reading too much into things," said An Xiaoning who then proceeded to freshen up and remove her makeup.

Jin Qingyan took a look at the treasure map in his left hand and compared it to the simple sketch in his right. He smiled and put the map away.

After washing up, An Xiaoning climbed back onto the bed and lay down beside him. She snuggled up beside him and murmured with her eyes slightly open, "Qingyan…"


"I'm tired."

"You've had a long journey home. Go to bed."

"Pat me to sleep."