I Only Want You (73)

She wanted to know if the rumor was credible.

She desperately wanted to know everything.

It was eleven o'clock at night.

He had finally come.

She could tell how tired he was from the way he lay motionlessly on the bed.

"Are you exhausted?"


"Do you want me to massage you?"

He lay on his stomach and said, "Yes, I need that very much."

She began massaging him with all her might while pondering how she should ask him those questions that she had.

After a long while of silence, she said, "Mr. Pei…"

"Don't address me that way anymore. Don't you find it too formal?"

"How should I address you, then?"

"Call me master."

She bit her lip and said, "Master Pei."

"Do you have something to say?"

Can he actually read my mind?

Jing Chu opened her mouth and asked, "Master Pei, what do you do for a living?"

"I belong to the DK Organization. Do you know what that is?"