I Only Want You (75)

Shaking her head, Jing Chu answered, "No idea, let's go and take a look."

As soon as they stepped forward, a woman alighted from the car. Jing Chu took a closer look, only to discover that it was Tian Tian, after which she immediately pulled Fat Lass away.

Fat Lass asked softly, "Sis Jing Chu, isn't that Pei Yi's fiancée? What is she doing here?"

Jing Chu shook her head and said, "No idea. Let's go to the supermarket to get some stuff."

Fat Lass expressed assent, and the two headed to the supermarket together.

They stayed at the supermarket for a long time. However, they were wandering around aimlessly and did not buy anything at all.

Little did Jing Chu know, Tian Tian had already left long ago because she didn't know the password to Pei Yi's mansion.

Upon returning home, she instructed Fat Lass, "No matter who shows up at the door, just pretend that you didn't hear the doorbell. Don't open the door."