I Only Want You (80)

"What else would they mean? Why don't you know anything?"

She said while walking, "Because I've been locked up ever since I was young. I didn't have much of a chance to be exposed to the outside world."

"Why were you locked up?"

She was candid about it and replied calmly, "Ever since I could remember, I had been locked up by a middle-aged woman and beaten up in all ways by her. It was only last year that I managed to escape. Then, I got captured back again and brought to a cliff where she tried to burn me to death. She said that not long after I was born, I became a sacrificial offering. It was my mother who sold me because my father had abandoned her."

Tang Zhijing asked with a grave expression, "Then how did you get together with Pei Yi?"

"He was the one who saved me. He even saved me twice in total. I willingly became his woman."