I Only Want You (95)

"Are you from S Nation?"


"You mentioned just now that your mother sold you off when you were a child. Were you raised by the family who bought you, then?"

"I lived with a woman who wasn't my foster mother nor my stepmother, and she subjected me to a great ton of torment and suffering. She hit me and abused me all the time. Actually, I resented my mother when I found out that she had abandoned me. If she hadn't abandoned me, I probably wouldn't have had to go through all of that torture. When I found out last night that Pei Ling is my son, I made up my mind and decided that I'll never give up on him no matter what happens."

Mrs. Pei nodded and said in a mellower tone, "Okay, I'll talk to my son about this."

Jing Chu stood up and said, "Get some rest, Madam. I'll be taking my leave now."

As soon as she turned around, Pei Yi entered.