I Only Want You (98)

Life truly works in an amazing way.

She looked up at the sky and pondered over some things quietly.

I've never dared to be brave enough to fight for what I want. I've been living rather cowardly, now that I think about it.

Upon hearing footsteps approaching, Qin Guo turned to see that Pei Yi had returned.

He had a look of tenderness on his face and a smile on his lips, clearly in high spirits. Qin Guo was rather surprised because she had long gotten used to the perpetually sullen look on his face.

Pei Yi walked toward her and stopped in his tracks. "What are you looking at?"

Qin Guo hurriedly looked down and answered, "Ancestor, I heard from Ms. Jing Chu that you had gotten a divorce with your wife. Ancestor, did Madam agree to it?"

"This is not something that you should be concerned about."

Qin Guo watched him enter the house, clenching her fists tightly.

"Have you eaten?"