I Only Want You (107)

Regardless of how hard Pei Yi tried to talk her around and knock some sense into her, she did not waver at all.

Thus, he continued to insist on forbidding Jing Chu from going while she stood firm to her decision and ignored Pei Yi.

Pei Yi did not indulge her or give in to her tantrums. Contrary to his expectations, she did not change her mind even after a long time.

He decided to give in when she threatened to kill herself.

He had no other option.

Jing Chu did consider the risks involved in going to the forest. However, she could not think of another possible solution for Pei Yi to back out of the DK Organization completely, especially after she saw the news about several nations working together to annihilate it. Ever since Pei Yi came clean with her, she began to get worried and anxious.

Hence, she insisted on staying firm to her decision and refused to budge.