I Only Want You (121)

Wu Pingyang put on her usual pretense of being considerate and replied, "It's okay, I'll get the chauffeur to send me back later."

"Help me tell Grandfather that I'll be taking my leave first."

"Alright, I'll go and tell him right now."

Once his car window had rolled back up, he started the engine and drove the car away.

When Mu Wansheng straightened her body, she wished she could dig a hole for herself to hide in. She didn't even dare to fix her eyes on him as she stammered in embarrassment, "Sor… ry."

"What do we do now?"

"Hmm? What do you mean?"

"The place where you leaned on just now is out of control already. Shouldn't you extinguish the fire that you started?"

Mu Wansheng turned her head out the window as she responded, "I didn't… mean to… Stop the car at that corner, I'm getting off."