I Only Want You (125)

Mu Wansheng had no idea why, but she simply could not communicate on the same page as her mother. "Mother, money is always the most important to you. To you, money can buy everything, including love. In order to stop me from marrying Zuo Xingwei, you even resorted to breaking my legs. Mother, all you care about is money. Money seems to be more important than me, your daughter."

"Was I wrong to have opposed your relationship? Didn't that pauper prove himself to be undeserving of you? That just means I'm right when it comes to judging people."

Not wishing to argue with her, Mu Wansheng said, "I'm tired. I'm going to go get some rest now."

"Where are you going? We have to eat dinner together. From tomorrow onwards, we'll have to start preparing for the wedding. You'll be getting married in a month's time."

She nodded and changed into a fresh set of clothes before exiting with Mrs. Mu.